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dc.contributor.authorBhaktaraj B
dc.contributor.authorPatil S
dc.contributor.authorPatil S.B.
dc.identifier.citationIndian Journal of Experimental Biology , Vol. 38 , 9 , p. 873 - 876en_US
dc.description.abstractAdministration of Gonadotrophin releasing hormone (GnRH) to male C versicolor during nonbreeding season increases the weight of testis; diameter of testis, seminiferous tubule, Sertoli and Leydig cell nuclei. It also activates the spermatogenic process. Increase in the weight of epididymis and lowered cholesterol level of testis indicate androgen production. Treatment of tesotsterone alongwith GnRH further enhances the activities of testis as a few spermatozoa appeared in the lumen of seminiferous tubule alongwith increase in other spermatogenic elements. It may be concluded that the exogenous GnRH can induce reproductive activities during nonbreeding season when the environmental conditions are unfavourable. Testosterone administration has the additive effect on these activities.en_US
dc.titleGnRH and / or testosterone induced changes in reproductive activities during nonbreeding season in Calotes versicolor (Daud.)en_US
Appears in Collections:1. Journal Articles

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