Browsing by Subject Brownian motion

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Showing results 1 to 9 of 9
Issue DateTitleAuthor(s)
2015Convective transport in a nanofluid saturated porous layer with cross diffusion and variation of viscosity and conductivityUmavathi J.C; Chamkha A.J; Mohite M.B.
2019Heat and mass transfer analysis of carreau nanofluid over an exponentially stretching sheet in a saturated porous mediumNandeppanavar M.M; Kemparaju M.C; Shilpa J.M.
2016Heat and mass transfer in MHD boundary layer flow over a nonlinear stretching sheet in a nanofluid with convective boundary condition and viscous dissipationMetri P.G; Abel M.S; Silvestrov S.
2018Impact of Brownian moment and thermophoresis on magnetohydrodynamic flow of magnetic nanofluid past an elongated sheet in the presence of thermal diffusionSulochana C; Ashwinkumar G.P.
2019Magnetized impacts of Brownian motion and thermophoresis on unsteady squeezing flow of nanofluid between two parallel plates with chemical reaction and Joule heatingShankar U; Naduvinamani N.B.
2015MHD boundary layer flow over a nonlinear stretching sheet in a nanofluid with convective boundary conditionAlkahtani B; Abel M.S.
2019Stability analysis of cross diffusion for the walters B fluid model saturated with permeable nanofluidUmavathi J.C; Chamkha A.J.
2016Transpiration effect on stagnation-point flow of a Carreau nanofluid in the presence of thermophoresis and Brownian motionSulochana, C; Ashwinkumar, GP; Sandeep, N
2019Unsteady magnetohydrodynamic radiative liquid thin film flow of hybrid nanofluid with thermophoresis and Brownian motionSulochana C; Aparna S.R.