Browsing by Subject Anisotropy

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Showing results 1 to 17 of 17
Issue DateTitleAuthor(s)
2012Analytical study of linear and nonlinear double diffusive convection in a rotating anisotropic porous layer with soret effectGaikwad S.N; Kouser S.
2016Cross-diffusion effects on the onset of double diffusive convection in a couple stress fluid saturated rotating anisotropic porous layerGaikwad S.N; Kamble S.S.
2011Double diffusive convection in a rotating anisotropic porous layer saturated with viscoelastic fluidMalashetty M.S; Swamy M.S; Sidram W.
2007The effect of rotation on the onset of convection in a horizontal anisotropic porous layerMalashetty M.S; Swamy M.
2008The effect of rotation on the onset of double diffusive convection in a horizontal anisotropic porous layerMalashetty M.S; Heera R.
2011The Effect of Rotation on the Onset of Double Diffusive Convection in a Sparsely Packed Anisotropic Porous LayerMalashetty M.S; Begum I.
2006Effect of thermal modulation on the onset of convection in a viscoelastic fluid saturated porous layerMalashetty M.S; Siddheshwar P.G; Swamy M.
2004Effect of time-periodic boundary temperatures on the onset of double diffusive convection in a horizontal anisotropic porous layerMalashetty M.S; Basavaraja D.
2009Linear and non-linear double diffusive convection in a fluid-saturated anisotropic porous layer with cross-diffusion effectsGaikwad S.N; Malashetty M.S; Prasad K.R.
2014Linear stability analysis of double diffusive convection in a horizontal sparsely packed rotating anisotropic porous layer in presence of Soret effectGaikwad S.N; Kamble S.S.
2010The onset of convection in a binary fluid saturated anisotropic porous layerMalashetty M.S; Swamy M.
2005The onset of convection in an anisotropic porous layer using a thermal non-equilibrium modelMalashetty M.S; Shivakumara I.S; Kulkarni S.
2016Onset of Darcy-Brinkman convection in a Maxwell fluid saturated anisotropic porous layerGaikwad S.N; Javaji A.V.
2016Onset of Darcy-Brinkman reaction-convection in an anisotropic porous layerGaikwad S.N; Dhanraj M.
2011The Onset of Double Diffusive Convection in a Couple Stress Fluid Saturated Anisotropic Porous LayerMalashetty M.S; Kollur P.
2013Onset of double diffusive convection in a maxwell fluid saturated anisotropic porous layer with internal heat sourceGaikwad S.N; Dhanraj M.
2013Onset of Double-Diffusive Reaction-Convection in an Anisotropic Rotating Porous LayerGaikwad S.N; Begum I.