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Showing results 1 to 10 of 10
Issue DateTitleAuthor(s)
2011Dielectric Properties of Parkia Powder Agar and Its Blends with Ethyl CelluloseSannakki, B; Nivrtirao, E; Anita
2010Effect of temperature and quencher on the fluorescence of 4-(5-methyl-3-furan-2-yl-benzofuran-2-yl)-7-methyl-chromen-2-one in different solventsEvale B.G; Hanagodimath S.M.
2019Electrical transport studies in vanado-zinc-boro-phosphate glass nano compositesHusenkhan D.B; Sankarappa T; Malge A; Ashwajeet J.S; Sujatha T.
2011Electron-Beam-Induced Modifications in High-Density PolyethyleneKumar H.G.H; Mathad R.D; Ganesh S; Sarma K.S.S; Haramaghatti C.R.
2007Electronic excitation energy quenching of indole derivative by CCl4 in different solventsNishti S.V; Kunabenchi R.S; Suresh Kumar H.M; Hanagodimath S.M; Biradar J.S.
2007Fluorescence quenching studies of 1,3-diphenyl benzeneBiradar D.S; Thipperudrappa J; Hanagodimath S.M.
2009Fluorescence-quenching studies and temperature dependence of fluorescence quantum yield, decay time and intersystem crossing activation energy of TPBHanagodimath S.M; Siddlingeshwar B; Thipperudrappa J; Hadimani S.K.B.
2013Preparation and characterization of polymer blends of ethyl cellulose and its compositesNivrtirao E; Sannakki B.
2019Study of polaron transport mechanism in rare earth nano particles doped zinc-molybdenum-boro-tellurite glassesMalge A; Sankarappa T; Sujatha T; Ashwajeet J.S; Devidas G.B.
2008Thermal and electrical properties of some single and mixed transition-metal ions-doped tellurite glassesKumar M.P; Sankarappa T; Awasthi A.M.